Friday, 28 December 2012

Handmade Teddy Bear & Bunny 手作泰迪熊及班尼兔

I was told there is a new hangout place in Penang Island called the Straits Quay and they run a weekend market selling all sort of stuff on every Saturday and Sunday. I am a zakka maniac (or some people would call it junk maniac :p), for sure I have to visit this place!

So during my last trip to Penang, I managed to visit Straits Quay weekend market. It turned out to be quite a disappointment as there were not many stalls at the weekend market. Nevertheless, I came across a stall selling handmade (fabric) teddy bear and bunny. Lots of different sizes and patterns of teddy bears and bunnies! All very lovely! They also sell DIY kits for people who would love to make their own teddy bears or bunnies. I couldn't resist and bought two DIY kits, a medium size teddy bear and a small size bunny.The pack came with all the accessories and tools you need to complete the bear or bunny; buttons, fabric, threads, needle, except the fiber fill. The lady who was manning the stall explained to me step-by-step how to make the bear and bunny and she even showed me how to sew the bear/bunny's nose and mouth beautifully.

Honestly, the instructions in the kits aren't very clear. But luckily, the lady at the stall explained the steps quite clearly so I managed to complete the teddy bear and bunny based on my memory (I started the project few weeks after I bought the kits, thank goodness that my memory didn't fail me haha). 

Here is the teddy bear and bunny which my children bring to sleep very night. :)

檳岛的 Straits Quay 是我最近去过的周末市场。老实说,对它是有一些小失望。因为档口没有我想象的多及特别。不过还是有一个吸引到我的啦,开始淘宝行动啦。。。。。
我儿子看了也一直吵着要买,可见它们是多么的招人喜欢呀!结果我就买了泰迪熊及班尼兔各一个,不过是 DIY 包的。每个包内都提供了所需的物品以及最重要的制作步骤。

Best Friend Forever - Teddy & Bunny

Saturday, 22 December 2012

More Christmas Gifts 圣诞礼物陆续有来

I'm making more Christmas/New Year gifts! This time I'm making teddy bear memo clip. Teddy bear is my favourite clay figurine and the easiest for me to make. 

My problem this time is how to wrap the gift. At first I thought of using plastic sheet but it is not presentable. Then, I tried to make my own gift bag using saa paper which I bought from Bangkok during my last trip there. It turned out to be better than the plastic sheet but still not perfect. As I was running out of time, I have no choice but to use the saa paper bag to wrap the gift.

A friend is back from Singapore for a holiday and we had a gathering yesterday afternoon. I managed to finish the teddy bear memo clip, wrapped it, just in time for the gathering. I'm glad that all my friends like their gifts very much :).

由于一直找不到适合的包装,结果这批礼物真的是在最后一分钟才赶出来见人,还好还来得及送出。:) 不过看到朋友们惊讶的神情,以及纷纷表示很喜欢这份惊喜,实在是让我小小的虚荣了一番。哈哈!!!

Colourful Teddy Bear with Gifts
Sweet Pinky Teddy Bear
Humble Grey Teddy Bear
Truthful Yellowish-Brown Teddy Bear
Cute Blue Teddy Bear Memo Clip
Brown Teddy Bear in Santa Hat
Hopeful Polar Bear
Purple Teddy Bear in Green Scarf
Gift Wrapped in Saa paper
Merry Christmas!

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Cutlery case

I'm a big supporter for green living. I constantly remind myself to be environmentally conscious in everything I do.

One of the things we can do to help the environment is to cut down the use of plastic plates and cutlery. Most caterers and some eatery place, for ease of convenient, will provide plastic forks and spoons. This is very bad for the environment as most of these plastic ware are not recyclable. One option is to bring your own non-disposable cutlery from home and not use the plastic stuff. 

It's kind of troublesome to store your cutlery if you want to bring them out. I have gotten the idea from one of a craft magazine, to sew your own cutlery case. This is what I've made to store my cutlery. 

It is good to keep a set in office or your handbag. It will come in handy when you eat out or pack your food to eat in the office!

Fabric Cutlery Case
Home for Cutlery Set

Checked Design with Lovely Ribbon

Chocolate Jar 饼干糖果罐

Since I left the office world to become a stay-at-home-mum, I have more time to spend on crafting. I mostly make for my children or gave to relatives and friends as gifts. One of my favourite crafts is resin clay or paper clay. It is amazing that a piece of clay can be molded into whatever shapes you want!

Today, I'm meeting a friend for lunch. An old friend from my previous workplace. I want to make something for her as a New Year gift. After a long thought, I came out with this - a chocolate jar bear. I hope she will like it. It can be used as a cookies jar too!

今天去赴了一个前同事的午餐约会, 也将新鲜出炉的新年礼物交给她。希望她吃了罐里的巧克力糖后,一整年都会甜甜蜜蜜,顺顺利利。

Cuddly Teddy Bear with Lollipop
Teddy Bear Chocolate Jar

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Notebook 记事本

2012 is almost coming to an end. I think it's time to make a new notebook for the new year. Going through my fabric collection, picked up a few matching fabrics and by afternoon my new collection of notebook is almost done (yet to sew the elastic band to hold the notepads). I have made five big ones and five smaller ones. :)


Get ready for back to school 准备开学咯。。。。

I bought this beautiful princess print fabric online some time ago, thinking of making something for my girl. After 'consulting' my girl, I've decided to make a pencil case and a water tumbler case for her for her new school year 2013.

Flipping through my craft books collection and I found the pattern I like and the one with instructions that I can follow hahah..After much measuring, cutting, ironing, sewing, mending.. is the output. The pencil case turned out to be a little bit too small that I wanted it to be. Put a remark on my craft book on this to remind myself not to repeat the same mistake the next time. The water tumble case, on the other hand, turned out to be too big, but that's not a big problem, I can still mend it by cutting off the extra fabric. Lesson learned, always measure a little extra, good to have allowance for error :) . 


Princess Water Tumbler Case
Princess Pencil Case
Princess Pencil Case (Inside)

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Mission accomplished 任务完成

After three days of hard work :), I've completed 21 photo frames! I must say I'm quite satisfied with my work haha..

I was having trouble sticking those clay items onto the photo frame. I've tried Uhu, craft white glue, I've even tried the construction adhesive but all doesn't do a good job in sticking the clay items to the wooden photo frame. My problem solved when I found this 'quick dry' glue at the hardware store. Yeay, now I've all the Christmas gifts done, ready to be packed and delivered to my friend. 


Lazy Afternoon
Humpty Dumpty
Under the Sea
Little Red Ridding Hood
Puppy Love

Choo-Choo Train
Robot Boy



Christmas gifts in the making 圣诞礼物准备中。。。

I was asked to make Christmas gifts. What an exciting assignment! I love crafting. After some thought, I've decided to make or rather to decorate photo frame using paper clay. I choose photo frame because everyone needs one :) and it is a good way to display sweet memories.

I have came up with several patterns, got my inspiration mostly from children's books :p . Here are the little clay items that I've made which yet to be put up onto the photo frame.
