Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Baby Book 宝宝的第一年成长记录本

A friend of mine has given birth to be a beautiful baby girl. I was having problem in coming out with a gift for her. This happens sometimes when there are too many ideas for gift and I don't know which one should I pick. So I waited, waiting for the perfect idea to pop up.

Weeks and months passed, I still haven't got a perfect idea for the baby gift. Then, two weeks ago, while I was sewing the book for an old friend, the idea of baby book crossed my mind. Hey, why not make her a baby book. I haven't made one before, it would a very interesting project. Yes, this is it, I'm making a baby book! I quickly flipped through the baby book which was given by my sis-in law when my kids were born for some ideas.  

It's for a girl, so the theme is pink :) 

Though the baby is now four months old, I hope it's not too late for the mummy or daddy to use this baby book to record down every special moment of their precious one in her first year.

Hand-sewn baby book
Baby's arrival
Decorated using my favourite MT tape
A large pocket attached at the end of the book to keep greeting cards and little things of the baby
Back cover of the book
For baby Sophia
The book is sectionalised by month
Teddy bear as bookmark

Friday, 21 February 2014

For An Old Friend 给老朋友的手作书

A friend who is working in the States has been kind enough to help me get a few nice US designer cotton fabrics :) That help me to save a lot on shipping cost! I'm so delighted with the actual product, the prints looked better than that seen online. 

I love the fabrics so much that I don't have the heart to cut it haha...Anyhow, I have to make use of the fabrics else it would be such a waste that such beautiful fabrics are just sitting in the storage box. :p

One of the designer cotton fabrics I bought is by Robert Kaufman. I just adore the colour combination of the whole piece, so beautifully done! For the first project of this fabric, I used it to make a hand sewn book for an old friend. 

French stitch book binding
The cover of the book is using fabric by Robert Kaufman
Treble clef book mark

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Calming Blue 平静的蓝色




Thursday, 6 February 2014

'My Melody' Sling Bag 斜肩包包

I have been wanting to sew a sling bag for my girl that can fit in a water tumbler. She actually has several sling bags but none can fit in a water tumbler. It made her outing a bit troublesome sometimes. She would bring two bags; one to keep her belongings and one to put her water tumbler.

I managed to squeeze in a sewing project for my girl just in time before I traveled back to my home town to celebrate Chinese New Year. Well actually, when I was making the bag for my friend's daughter, I made the wrong measurement and the fabric was cut a lot longer than needed. So I took the excess fabric and turned it into a sling bag. As a result of a mistake, I managed to make another bag in a shorter period of time than it usually take :) Sometimes, we have to be optimistic. A mistake can be a blessing in disguise (塞翁失马,焉知非福).

This bag was also produced in time for her to keep her Chinese New Year 'ang pow' :) 

My Melody sling bag
The height of the bag is just nice to fit in a water tumbler
I used a D ring for the strap so that it can be adjusted later (best possible solution as I don't have a buckle)
Bunny button
Large enough to keep lots of ang pow :)