Friday, 19 April 2013

Bread Stories 面包的故事

I love bread since I was little. My mum used to pack bread for me and my brothers to bring to school. But that time, the bread we ate was nothing fancy. We bought our bread from Indian bread man (a.k.a roti man) that sell breads and cakes on his motorcycle. That's the way the Indian bakery operated at that time. The bread man came by the neighbourhood everyday in the afternoon, rain or shine. He would ring his bell signalling that he is here. People who wants to buy would waive at him at the gate. The bread we usually get is the plain bread loaf without egg. That's the memory of bread during my childhood.

Over the years, more and more bakeries opened up in the neighbourhood. The breads that the new bakeries supplied were different from the Indian bakery shop. It's fancier, the sweet breads and buns. Somehow, I still prefer the plain bread loaf.

My mum taught me to make my very first loaf of bread. Since then, I started baking my own bread. The bread that I usually bake is either the plain white or wholemeal bread loaf. It's simple and easily be taken with any condiments or even ham, egg or bacon. I have started to collect books on bread making too. I find baking a bread is a lot economical than cakes. Simply because the amount of butter and eggs required in baking a bread is so much less than those required in cakes and sometimes you don't even need eggs or butter! So it's healthier too. :) 

Here are some of the breads that I bake for my family. It can be taken as breakfast, lunch or dinner. 

Milk bread (牛奶面包)
Milk bread - close up
Parsley bread (香菜烤饼)
Parsley bread with chicken curry
Brown sugar bread loaf (黑糖面包)
Polo bun (菠萝包)
Multi-grain bread loaf (杂粮面包)


  1. look nice, teach me when we see next time


    1. Thanks Pauline! Looking forward to sharing our baking stories :)
