Friday, 13 December 2013

Wedding Gift 送给一对新人的礼物

A good friend is getting married. I am so happy for her that she has finally found the person that she can share her life with. 

I am making the new wedding couple a DIY wedding album. I think that's the best way to keep their precious memories. :)

This is the first time I'm making a wedding album. I was so excited and couldn't decide on the design of the album cover. At last, I decided on making the wedding bears. Felt is used to make the bride and groom bears. I used lace to make the veil and the bride's gown. 

The wedding bears turned out to be really sweet. I love it! I hope my friend and her soon to be husband would love it too. 

Congratulations Del!

The wedding couple ~Fahrul Nizar & Nordalila
Hand-sewn wedding album
The wedding bears
Unfasten the ribbon to open the album

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