Monday, 21 July 2014

Handmade Hats 手作帽

最近天气很热,太阳也很晒,出门时要做好防晒工作。除了防晒油,雨伞是个不错的防晒工具。如果不喜欢打伞,那就戴顶帽子吧!我从Cotton Friend 日本手工杂志那里看到了几款不错的帽子,附有小孩及大人的尺寸,就试跟着纸型制作。

第一顶制作给自己。选用的布衬,有点太厚,帽子的样子有点硬绷绷, 但戴起来还好。在制作第二顶帽子时,我用了薄一点布衬,帽子的样子和形状好看多了。这顶帽子是给女儿做的。



Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Children's Apron 可爱小围裙

These children's aprons were custom made order from a friend. It's a gift to her friend's lovely children, Manfred and Eugenia. For the boy, Toy Story prints fabric was the pick and as for the girl, it's none other than the princess prints fabric. :)

These aprons were made using similar pattern which I've sewed for my girl not long ago with some adjustments. D-ring buckle is used so that the apron is adjustable to the desired length. A velcro tape is sewed as the fastener for easy loosening and fastening. 

Hope the two children will be pleased with these cute aprons sewed with love and passion. Most of all, thank the auntie who got them these :D

For little girl
For little boy
Personal touch
D-ring buckle
Velcro tape as fastener
A pocket attached in front
Adjustable strap
For easy fastening and loosening
Handmade by Lin Craft House :)
Decorative ribbon
Personalized gift
Dino ribbon
Truly handmade
Ready to be delivered

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Ballerina Photo Album 芭蕾舞女孩相片簿

A friend's friend asked to make a photo album for her little girl's birthday with ballerina as the album cover. Oh, that would be very lovely. Thanks her for the idea! I've never thought of applying the applique doll onto a book cover. :)

I made a A5 size album with cream colour paper of grammage of 200. I usually use a heavier weight paper about 200g to 220g for photo album. Heavier weight paper can hold the photo nicely. I stitched the sheets of paper using french stitch bookbinding technique. I always go for french stitch binding when it comes to book binding, it's simply beautiful!

I can't wait to deliver this photo album to the mother of this lucky little girl. Hope she will like it.

Ballerina photo album
Personalized photo album
Back cover of the album
Green is the favourite colour of the birthday girl
Beautiful French Stitch binding
Made with love