Saturday, 5 July 2014

Ballerina Photo Album 芭蕾舞女孩相片簿

A friend's friend asked to make a photo album for her little girl's birthday with ballerina as the album cover. Oh, that would be very lovely. Thanks her for the idea! I've never thought of applying the applique doll onto a book cover. :)

I made a A5 size album with cream colour paper of grammage of 200. I usually use a heavier weight paper about 200g to 220g for photo album. Heavier weight paper can hold the photo nicely. I stitched the sheets of paper using french stitch bookbinding technique. I always go for french stitch binding when it comes to book binding, it's simply beautiful!

I can't wait to deliver this photo album to the mother of this lucky little girl. Hope she will like it.

Ballerina photo album
Personalized photo album
Back cover of the album
Green is the favourite colour of the birthday girl
Beautiful French Stitch binding
Made with love


  1. Appreciate your lovely handmade ballerina with love and efforts.
