Saturday, 18 May 2013

Clay-tivity - Part 1 可爱小女生相框系列

Haven't been playing with my clay for a while. There are so many projects that I wish to do and sometimes I don't know which one should I be working on. This is usually what happened, I may be on sewing project one day, and the next day I want to play with resin clay. Haha..and usually I will just follow my heart, as to what I feel like doing that day. Not a good practice in terms of project management. Oh well, I'm the boss :D

Lately, I have got several ideas for my clay project (while I was working on something else). But I haven't find time to actually transform those ideas into the real thing. So I quickly wrote it down on my notebook before I forget. 

I am working on a girl series this time. In this series, I tried combining fabric into my clay project. I have been wanting to come out with a project using these two elements together, this is my first attempt.  Here is the first piece of the work. I used lace and denim in this piece of work.

More to come :)  

Little girl at the farm
Little girl series photo frame
Little farm girl
Mother duck & ducklings


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Pauline! Hope to see your great creation too. :)

  2. I seldom play clay now, busy with work...@_@
